Our very own George Bates now has his work featured at a MTA station!

Beach 36 Street


Symphonic Convergence 1&2, 2011

Glass block

A dominant theme in George Bates’ work is convergence and how nature, objects, and people meet and form a greater whole. If you view only the individual components of the whole you may fail to see the larger ideas and systems to which they are connected. At B.36th Street, he designed a lyrical composition with a bold, yet playful spirit, that expresses his feelings about the Rockaways. Created in glass block in the station stair landings, the glass brings in light and brightens the station. The design on the south bound side, which receives the strongest light, features a spiral formed of people’s heads, rendered in deep blue and heavy line. These are profiles that overlap one another, building up and snowballing into a large element, a community.

3 thoughts on “Our very own George Bates now has his work featured at a MTA station!

  1. Thanks guys. All of the new stations out there on that line are really worth seeing.

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