The Deutsches Klingenmuseum exhibits a world class collection of knives, swords, blades and culinary silverware. Housed within a former seminary, the collection presents a historical and cultural understanding of blades across several millennia, from the Bronze age to modern day. In conjunction with the photo exhibit’s opening weekend, the museum will also be hosting a 2-day immersive machete workshop on Friday July 1st and Saturday July 2nd. You’ll be able to bring your own raw material, forge the machete blade and bind it to a handle.
The city of Solingen is only a short, 30 minute drive from Dusseldorf. It is known as the “City of Blades” and since Medieval times has been renowned for being the manufacturing hub of fine swords, knives, scissors and razors.
Dates: July 3 – Oct 9
The Machete Project