School of Art, Media, and Technology

This Sat. 4/26 – Illustration Faculty Robert Sikoryak hosts CAROUSEL: Cartoon slide shows and other projected pictures

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Saturday, April 26, 2014    12:00 – 12:45 PM
The New School, Theresa Lang Center
55 West 13th Street, 2nd floor

RE/Mixed Media Festival presents: CAROUSEL Cartoon slide shows and other projected pictures 

Drawn and performed by:
Jason Little
(Shutterbug Follies, Motel Art Improvement Service)
Lauren R. Weinstein
 (Girl Stories, The Goddess of War)
Kriota Willberg 
(Pictorial Anatomy of the Cute, (NO) PAIN!)
and host R. Sikoryak
(Masterpiece Comics)

DISCOUNT CODE for HALF PRICE passes to all RE/Mix events:
The code is: ARTFAN. Apply the discount by registering at: and then typing in the code into the promo code box.
The code gives you a 50% discount off any festival pass except for student tickets and VIP w/ Hotel pass.
The RE/Mixed Media Festival is a celebration of collaborative art-making and creative appropriation. It’s the artists’ contribution to the ongoing conversation about remixing, mashups, copyright law, fair use, and the freedom of artists to access their culture in order to add to and build upon it. RE/Mixed Media Festival IV will be held on April 26-27, 2014 at The New School, in cooperation with the School of Media Studies, and Parsons The New School for Design; and at CultureHub, in NYC’s East Village.

Other RE/Mixed events all day, Saturday & Sunday.  The Festival schedule is posted on line at


R. Sikoryak‘s cartoons and illustrations have appeared in The New Yorker, Nickelodeon Magazine, Drawn and Quarterly, Raw, Fortune, Esquire, GQ, among many other publications, and on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart. He is the author of the graphic novel Masterpiece Comics (Drawn and Quarterly), and the co-author, with Michael Smith, of The Seduction of Mike (Fantagraphics), a comic book funded by the NEA. He was awarded an Artist’s Fellowship from The New York Foundation for the Arts for his comics adaptations of classic literature. He is in the Speakers Program of the New York Council of the Humanities. In his spare time, he creates performances, slide shows, and animation for downtown theater and independent films. Since 1997, he has presented his cartoon slide show series, “Carousel,” around the U.S. and Canada. He teaches in the Illustration program at Parsons The New School For Design.
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