Saturday April 26, 2014, 11am-1pm
16 E. 16th St.
Room 1200
The School of Art, Media and Technology and The School for Media Studies is hosting Magic Lantern to present a one-day workshop on software enhancement to increase the functionality of Canon dSLR cameras. Magic Lantern has created an open framework, licensed under GPL, for developing extensions to the official firmware. Magic Lantern is not a “hack”, or a modified firmware, it is an independent program that runs alongside Canon’s own software. Each time you start your camera, Magic Lantern is loaded from your memory card. The only modification was to enable the ability to run software from the memory card.
In this workshop you will learn to expand both video and still tools such as: audio controls, exposure controls, image overlays (zebra, focus peaking, cropmarks, waveform and vectorscope) bit rate, FPS override, focus tools, and enhanced display tweaks. This is a hands-on workshop. Attendees should bring a charged laptop, a Canon dSLR and the appropriate memory card. Open to all staff, faculty and students.
If you use campus resources please contact Colin Stearns at stearnsc@newschool.edu ASAP to make reservations. For more information about Magic Lantern, http://