School of Art, Media, and Technology

Stock Footage: Creative Uses, Licensing and Fair Use

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The Parsons Institute for Intellectual Property (PIIP) announces an evening panel presentation on Stock Footage: Creative Uses, Licensing and Fair Use. The educational event is co-hosted by the Association of Commercial Stock Footage Licensors (ACSIL). It is geared to students working in film, video, multi-media design and Intellectual Property law. Panelists from the stock footage and legal professions will cover using stock footage to produce content creatively across media, the creative and legal opportunities and limitations inherent in using stock footage and the practical issues of licensing, clearance issues and the applicability of Fair Use doctrine when using stock footage.

When and where: Thursday, November 3rd at the Theresa Lang Center, 66 W. 13th Street, Mezzanine level. The program runs from 6:00 to 9:00. Doors open at 5:30 and refreshments will be provided.

ACSIL is a non-profit association dedicated to promoting and advancing the professional interests of the stock footage industry.

The Parsons Institute for Intellectual Property at The New School focuses on the intersections between intellectual property, ownership, expression, culture and media in the 21st Century.

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