School of Art, Media, and Technology

Project Anywhere and Parsons Host Conference 11/13 – 11/14

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“Art & Research at the Outermost Limits of Location Specificity”
Thursday, 11/13 and Friday 11/14, 9:30am-6:00pm
Theresa Lang Community and Student Center
Arnhold Hall
55 West 13th Street, 2nd fl., Room I202

This conference will explore the challenge of producing and disseminating art and research outside traditional circuits. How should art and research that takes place outside traditional contexts and timeframes in the fields of the visual arts, design and performance be validated, experienced and disseminated? What alternatives exist to the traditional role of the curator? How should art and research be validated within institutional contexts that typically champion the traditional journal-based paradigm for evaluating research outcomes? How do we negotiate the relative values of direct sense experience and exegetical and paratextual elements? Is documentation necessarily a “second best” experience? What kinds of evaluative criteria should we apply to interdisciplinary projects that straddle aesthetic and other realms? What are the outermost limits of location specificity?

This two-day conference is provided free of charge by Project Anywhere and Parsons Fine Arts, School of Art, Media and Technology, Parsons The New School for Design.

Presentations by:

Daniel G. Baird, Bruce Barber, Erin Bosenberg, Ella Condon, Irina Danilovah, DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGICAL FLOW (Sean Smith and Barbara Fornssler), NY Howie Chen presenting on behalf of DISPATCH NY (Howie Chen and Gabrielle Giattino), Steve Dutton, EIDIA House (Paul Lamarre & Melissa P. Wolf), Ronit Eisenbach, Andrea Geyer, Les Joynes, H. Lan Thao Lam presenting on behalf of Lin + Lam (Lan Lin and H. Lan Thao Lam), Hans Kalliwoda, Marcus Kreiss, LIMINAL DOME (Anna Romanenko, Björn Kühn and Gabriel Hensche), John R. Neeson, Arthur Ou, Jeanine Oleson, NUCLEI (Fernando do Campo, Laura Hindmarsh, Claire Krouzecky and Alex Nielsen), Carrie Paterson, Kamau Patton, Gary Pearson, THE PLIMSOLL INQUIRY (Maria Kunda and Fiona Lee), Honi Ryan, John Ryan, Jeff Stark, Ian Strange, Andy Weir, Leanne Zacharis

Hosted by Parsons Fine Arts, School of Art, Media, and Technology at Parsons The New School for Design, Division of The New School, New York.

Conference organizers:  Sean Lowry (Project Anywhere and The University of Newcastle) and Simone Douglas (Parsons Fine Arts, School of Art, Media and Technology, Parsons The New School for Design)


For more information and a full schedule visit

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