Brooklyn Art Studios Fall 2010 Open Studios weekend begins, featuring paintings, video / sound installations, and mixed-media work by the artists of BAS.
Opening Reception of Brooklyn Art Studios 1st Annual Group Exhibition
Friday, October 1st, 5pm – 9pm
Yashar Gallery, 276 Greenpoint Ave, Bldg 8, Ground Floor, Brooklyn, NY
2010 OPEN STUDIOS – OCT 2 & 3
Brooklyn Art Studios and Yashar Gallery are hosting the 2nd annual Open Studios event on the weekend of October 2nd and 3rd, 2010. Over 70+ artists in two buildings working in a variety of media will open their doors to the public, and Yashar Gallery will present a salon style group exhibition of the artists of BAS. Art, music, refreshments, performances, film screenings…
Brooklyn Art Studios and Yashar Gallery
Saturday, October 2nd, 12-6pm
Sunday, October 3rd, 12-6pm
B.A.S. – 276 Greenpoint Avenue
Bldg. 8 – Ground Floor + Building 1 – 3rd Floor
Greenpoint, Brooklyn
(G train to Greenpoint Avenue)