AMT Social Justice Award | Due May 4th, 2023
AMT Social Justice Award
The School of Art, Media & Technology (AMT) at Parsons is pleased to announce the AMT Student Social Justice Award. This award recognizes students’ commitments to actively and critically explore and hold themselves accountable to the values outlined in the following AMT Equity, Inclusion and Social Justice (EISJ) statement:
As students, artists, designers, educators, and cultural producers, we must acknowledge the lineages of white supremacy, racial discrimination, and other forms of systemic oppression that exist within our society in the U.S. and abroad. In the School of Art, Media & Technology (AMT), we are committed to creating a more inclusive, equitable and anti-racist community. We aim to support and advocate for the needs of all AMT students, staff and faculty across all identities of race, gender, sexual orientation, disability, age, religion, culture, citizenship, or socio-economic status. We will stand in solidarity with marginalized communities who have been historically excluded from institutions, including Black, Indigenous, Latinx, AAPI (Asian, Asian American and Pacific Islander), People of Color, Queer, and Trans folks, and aim to center their narratives and practices within our learning environment. We recognize the limitations of language that can’t envelop the breadth of all intersectional identities, and as such, we are committed to advancing equity, respect, and thoughtfulness within our teaching pedagogy, curriculum, classrooms and across AMT.
The selected student award recipients will receive an award of $250 and their work will be entered into a new Parsons AMT Social Justice student work archive. Award recipients will be notified before May 19 and will receive their award by July. All submissions will be included in the AMT Social Justice Student Award Archive.
This award has been created by a group of part-time and full-time faculty on the AMT School Curriculum Committee, as part of their mission to ensure that our school’s commitment to equity, inclusion and social justice is an active one. As part of the ongoing commitment by faculty to deepen our commitment and ability to teach with anti-oppression and social justice frameworks, this award aims to both celebrate students’ commitments while building an archive that faculty across the School of Art, Media and Technology at Parsons can use as a tool to explore how students are engaging with AMT’s stated EISJ values.
MFA Photography 2014 Alumni Gabriel Sanchez Selected as a Juror in 2019 Daylight Photo Awards
MFA Photography 2014 Alumni Gabriel Sanchez has been selected as a Juror for the 2019 Daylight Photo Awards!
We encourage Parsons students and alumni to submit to the 2019 Daylight Photo Awards. The winner will receive $1000, a digital feature and a chance to have their project considered for publication. Previous Daylight Photo Award winners include Zhang Kechun, Bryan Schutmaat, Aaron Vincent Elkaim,Tamas Dezso and Katrin Koenning.

The 4th Annual En Foco Photography Fellowship Submission Deadline December 16th
En Foco is a non-profit organization that nurtures and supports contemporary fine art and documentary photographers of diverse cultures, primarily U.S. residents of Latino, African and Asian Heritage, and Native Peoples of the Americas and the Pacific. Since it was founded in 1974, En Foco has been an outspoken leader and advocate for the equitable support and access to resources for photographers of color. It has a distinguished itself through its sustained commitment to providing its primary constituency and the communities they represent financial support, public programming, information services and cultural advocacy initiatives.
The 4th Annual En Foco Photography Fellowship is designed to support photographers of color who demonstrate the highest quality of work as determined by a photography panel of peers and industry professionals. The Photography Fellowship Program will:
• award 10 Fellowships at $1,000 per,
• include Fellows in a 2019 Group Exhibition,
• feature the Fellows in the 2019 Nueva Luz publication printed and online editions, and
• provide Professional Development and Networking Opportunities.
En Foco is highly regarded for its leadership in support of photographers of color and for its advocacy role in addressing the issues related to cultural equity and access. Previous Fellows have had access to many opportunities beyond the fellowship as a result of this award.
• Photographers of Latino, African, Asian American heritage, and Native Peoples of the Americas and the Pacific.
• Must be a resident of New York City or New York State for the past year at the time of submission and must show proof of residency.
• Must be at least 18 years of age.
• Collaborating photographers are eligible to apply BUT only one photographer can submit the application.
• Previous fellowship recipients must wait three years before they can reapply.
• Photography for consideration must represent work completed after 2016.
Please visit En Foco’s website to apply!
Philadelphia Arts Center Contemporary Photography Competition Call For Entries
Contemporary Photography Competition
2 Artists will win $5,000 each and concurrent solo exhibitions from April 11, 2019 –
May 25, 2019. PPAC understand’s that contemporary photography takes many forms, we are open to all photography, digital imaging, film/video, and lens-based installation work.
Juror Lucy Gallun, Assistant Curator, Department of Photography, The Museum of Modern Art
Submission Dates February 1 – June 1, 2018
Entry Fee $30 for a maximum of 10 images
New School Health and Wellness ‘Body Positivity Series’ Call for Entries
Flower City Arts Center Seeking Submissions for Showcase
The Flower City Arts Center is seeking original ceramic work, photography, and prints from emerging artists currently enrolled in a college program and/or alumni within two years of graduation. Mixed media work must be predominantly ceramic, photographic, print, or book-art related. Jurors this year are: Amelia Hugill-Fontanel, Ben Carter, & Adrian Octavius Walker. Over $900 in prize money. Best of Show awards will be given in each area and announced at the opening reception on Friday, June 16.
For more information and to submit work visit here.