Parsons School of Design MFA Photography 2023
Sawani Chaudhary
The Buoyancy of Self
Sawani Chaudhary’s The Buoyancy of Self explores the multiplicity of memory, time, and space. Chaudhary sees herself afloat through the spaces she photographs, where a sense of restoration, remembrance, and reenactment is present throughout. Connecting these images subtly by including her own drawings on the photographs, the lines blend in with the black and white film grain and challenge the perceptions of the viewer. These images include moments with her family, found objects, landscapes, and street scenes from her hometown and New York City. These images do not specify any location and instead talk about something more abstract. This placelessness translates into the form of landscapes that she frequented as a child. There is an element of making, repairing, and mending involved in The Buoyancy of Self. Chaudhary sees the strands of fabric as she sees her own pencil graphite lines weaving through the images and binding them.