Charlie Waltz-Rieber

  • Charlie Waltz-Rieber

  • Chrysalis

  • Chrysalis is an autobiographical graphic novel about self discovery written for my transgender community.

  • Chrysalis is a narrative nonfiction work documenting a pivotal, transformative time in my life. This comic explores transition as experienced externally, through my relationships, and internally as I make sense of my gender experience. A nontraditional approach to comic making stitches together anecdotes of moments with my close friends and creative
    writing of my internal thoughts and feelings. 2 distinct styles come together to tell a story of tenderness, intimacy, and self discovery. Chrysalis isn’t about living a false identity before transition, and it isn’t about living a fully realized identity after transition either. It is about the most intense experiences that happen between the two as I build a new relationship with myself. It is about discomfort, uncertainty, growing pains, unprecedented
    joy, release, transformation, and celebration. It is a love letter to my friends, to myself, and to my trans community.