Georgia Lim

  • Georgia Lim

  • Mangosteen

  • A 64” by 20” quadriptych oil painting on wood. It is an immersive, illustrated depiction of a fantasy world as an expression of human desire, and commentary on what constitutes human identity.

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    I have based my work on the conceptual existence of the Ego as a framework of our reality by exploring the subversive effect of fantasy narratives, specifically those of mythical creatures (such as fairies) and animals, as an amalgamation of human escapism. I created a sprawling landscape that includes these strange physical forms and toes the line between realism and abstraction, representing a confusing yet vivid “Ego-less” world with elements that intertwine with my personal experiences of existential reflection. Eckhart Tolle’s book, A New Earth, was my primary inspiration for this project’s reflection on understanding the world in this way. The book is a powerful investigation of humanity’s relationship with the Ego, which he defines as an “illusory sense of self”, constructed out of thoughts and memories. My research delves into fantasy ideas as a form of control over conscious existence, and the things we all deal with regarding the Self that complicate the navigation of life. Such aspects include identifiers such as age, gender, sexuality, relationships and the power dynamics that exist within them. I am fundamentally expressing a personal frustration with life’s difficulties while simultaneously critically looking at its complete alternative (i.e an existence that has no need to consider these aspects), as I don’t aim to glorify the exact opposite of our lived reality. I am illustrating a world separate from what we know as a consideration of whether a utopian world is even possible, and if our escapist desires are truly able to reflect an existential ideal.


    Instagram: @georgiadraws.jpg