Zidie He

  • Zidie He

  • Dorothy In Wonderland

  • Dorothy, a rising star in the modeling world who is sought-after by the audience, suffering from depression by herself, she kept enduring her pain until her illness overwhelmed her. Will she ever get over it?

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    The story is inspired by my family members. My mom has been depressed for years while in my country mental health is always been a wired topic to talk about and always get a brush-off, most people have no empathy for depression because they don’t understand this illness. Including my mom’s sisters. My mother was unable to get the care of her family during her most painful time, and I’m abroad in the US. So the original purpose of this comic is to make more people understand that mental health problem is a kind of illnesses and it’s not a joke. It could happen to anyone no matter how good they looked on the outside, and it could happen everywhere on earth. As a person who haven’t been experienced this kind of severe problem, I researched on internet and interviewed many people on social media anonymously, then sketch out what they feel when they depressed, combine the drawing with the story I created, I believe that through the real depiction, readers could have a more immersive sense. This short story hopes that people can confide inner pressure to others, reduce self-blame, and love themselves.

    Website:  arabellahe.wixsite.com/arbl

    Instagram: @arbl_art

    Webtoon: dorothy-in-wonderland