Parsons Faculty Graham MacIndoe Exhibition at Photoville 9/10-9/20

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American Exile: Detained, Deported and Divided

Photography: Graham MacIndoe

Interviews: Susan Stellin

On Exhibit from September 10th – 20th at Photoville

American Exile is a series of photographs and interviews documenting the stories of immigrants who have been ordered deported from the United States, as well as their family members – often, American citizens – who suffer the consequences of the harsh punishment of exile. Our goal is to show the wide range of people affected when someone is deported, including spouses and children who remain in the U.S., forever separated from a parent or partner living in exile. This project is supported by a 2014 fellowship from the Alicia Patterson Foundation.

Please check out the indiegogo campaign to help offset some of the costs involved in putting the exhibit on.

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