We all need an inspiration break from time to time. So treat yourself or your team to the ultimate inspiration/learning/networking break—Xlab 2016!

It’s officially the last minute—register now for Xlab 2016.
There’s less than 3 weeks left until Xlab begins! Meet incredible speakers, study the most inspiring projects, go on exclusive tours and connect with designers and makers from around the world at this exciting two-day event focused on technology, design and the future of experiences. (VR, smart cities and spaces, next-gen interaction, new materials and more!)
Join Us!
These are the hot topics your speakers will address, with panel discussions, networking at the SEGD NYC Chapter Mixer.

After the tours, join your fellow Xlab attendees for Show+Tell’s Rocktober Mixer.

I’m Ready!
Student membership is $50, this allows students to attend all events and includes amazing benefits!