School of Art, Media, and Technology

The Parsons Design Fellowship Invites You to Haiti

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The Parsons Design Fellowship program is a competitive program launched by Donna Karan’s Urban Zen. Launched in April 2015, the program is open to current seniors and final year graduate and graduating students (2015) who are able to travel for the specified dates in the summer of 2015. Donna Karan/Urban Zen and Parsons faculty will review applications. The three successful Parsons Design Fellows will travel to Haiti for a 6 to 8 week period beginning early June through July/August 2015. They will be joined by two Parsons faculty for shorter (5 day) periods. In Haiti, the Parsons fellows will research a number of product explorations for design development and production, using local practices and locally-sourced materials. In addition, students will develop and lead workshops with the artisan community of Haiti.

Apply here:

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