School of Art, Media, and Technology

3rd Annual NYPD Campus Sexual Assault Poster Contest

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The New York City Police Department is inviting undergraduate and graduate students to showcase their artistic talent and their commitment to ending campus sexual assault by participating in the NYPD Campus Sexual Assault Poster Contest.

The goal of the contest is to encourage students to contact the NYPD by calling 911 if they are in immediate danger or the Special Victims Division Hotline at (646) 610-7272 if they are not in immediate danger, but think they have been sexually assaulted. We want victims of sexual assault to speak with Special Victims Division detectives even if they are unsure about pressing charges, and even if they have already reported the incident to their college or university.

The contest starts on January 16, 2018 at 7am EST and ends on February 21, 2018 at 8pm EST. Only posters that meet the contest Official Rules will be considered.

For the complete list of eligibility and poster requirements, release forms and Official Rules please see the attached documents.  

Applicants must submit their posters and completed Release Forms electronically


  • First place: $2500
  • Second place: $1500
  • Third place: $1000

Winners will be announced the week of March 14, 2018 and will receive the NYPD Police Commissioner’s Certificate of Accomplishment. The winning poster will be distributed to college and universities in the five boroughs, and displayed on the NYPD website, Facebook page, and Twitter feed.

If you have any questions, please email the NYPD Office of Collaborative Policing at or Sergeant Angioletta Livreri at


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