School of Art, Media, and Technology

Call for Participation: Spring 14 urbanBIKE 1-3 credit studio @YOUTHBIKESUMMIT

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Not only is the Youth Bike Summit free to students of The New School, but you can also get credit!
Call for Participants: 1-3 Credits

Event: February 14th-16th 2014 | Applied Project: February 16th – May 19th

Students will be selected to participate in a special opportunity to earn a credit for participation in the Youth Bike Summit. Additionally, students can elect to engage with an applied project related to a theme of the event for the remainder of the spring semester and earn 1-2 credits depending upon the scope of the project. Projects can be self-initiated and/or originate with the partners/participants of the summit.

The Youth Bike Summit is an annual three-day national conference bringing together educators, advocates, activists, students, teenagers, practitioners, researchers, policy makers, and community leaders to engage around youth, bicycles, education, and advocacy. We bring people together from different disciplines and backgrounds to network, learn, and explore how the bicycle is a catalyst for positive social change. More info


The studio will be led by Jane Pirone, Assistant Professor, Parsons The New School for Design and co-organizer of the event.

This Special Project opportunity will comprise of the following:

Pre-Summit Online Canvas: February 10-13
Registration; theme selection; preparatory reading and threaded introductory discussion in anticipation of the summit.

In-Person at the Summit: February 14-16th
Full engagement in the selected theme; group discussion; critical reflection posted to CANVAS.

Post-Summit Online Canvas/Periodic in-person meetings: February 17 – May 19
Ongoing mentorship from faculty; peer-resource sharing and discussion; engaged application/project work; portfolio of outcomes.

Students will actively participate and engage with a Summit theme (a color coded schedule is available upon request). The 2014 Summit themes include:Health & Safety, DIY and Critical Making, , and Education & Development.  Students are encouraged to engage with the Political Action Center and Maker Spaces even if they have chosen another theme (they run alongside the Summit sessions). An updated/revised schedule, syllabus and readings will be available through CANVAS prior to the event.

Students have the ability to earn 1 credit for participating in the Pre-Summit Canvas/Youth Bike Summit event with s critical reflection essay submitted through CANVAS. Those choosing to continue developing an applied project through the remainder of the semester can receive up to 2 additional credits for their work. This will be registered as a 5000-level course and is open to all TNS students, grad or undergrad.

TO APPLY or request more info:
Send an email to with the subject line “urbanBike Studio S14” with:

1) Your name, year level, division/school/program

2) A short statement of your interest in the experience

3) Your resume

4) a url to a web portfolio with examples of your work or online presence (if you’ve got one)

5) number of credits you are interested in earning

APPLICATION DEADLINE: Friday, February 12th @ 5pm

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