ArtBots is pleased to announce that the sixth international ArtBots exhibition for robotic art and art-making robots will take place at the Ugent UFO-building in Gent, Belgium on October 7-9, 2011. Creators of talented robots are invited to submit their work for possible inclusion in the show.
We have no fixed idea of what qualifies as robotic art; if you think it’s a robot and you think it’s art, we encourage you to submit your work. Regardless of whether it’s hi-tech, low-tech, or neg-tech, we’re interested in the ideas you’re working with, not just the gear. Proposals for workshops, performances, and other kinds of participation are also welcome.
Each ArtBots is a bit different; the location changes and we invite new humans to co-curate the show with us. We hope that by changing the specifics of the show each year we can keep it accessible to a diverse range of people, works, and ideas.
This year’s co-curators are: Douglas Repetto (ArtBots), Kurt Van Houtte (timelab), and Nik Gaffney (FoAM)
ArtBots 2011 is a joint production of: timelab (Ghent), FoAM (Brussels), University of Gent, Lirec, ArtBots, and The Columbia University Computer Music Center
Important Dates:
Deadline for entries: July 1
Acceptance notifications sent: August 2
Artists confirm participation by: August 16
Show load-in and installation: October 5-6
Show open: October 7-9
Breakdown and load-out: October 10
For more info, check here