Photograph+interactive installation
March 24th – April 10th, 2009
Opening Reception: Tuesday, March 24th, 7-9pm
Short Conversation is a collaboration by New York-based artists Aichen Lin, I-Hua Lee and Hsiang Ju Hung (DT MFA). Originally from Taiwan, the three artists share similar backgrounds and all gained new inspiration by living abroad. Aichen Lin and I-Hua Lee capture moments of life and art-making in New York using Polaroid images and poetic writings. Hsiang Ju Hung presents a remote collaboration with Taiwanese artist Jung Hsiang Ke. These conversations beyond time and space will be exhibited at the Taipei Cultural Center from March 19th to April 10th.
Taipei Cultural Center is open Monday-Friday, 9am-6pm and Saturday 9am-11am. For more information, please contact Aichen Lin at 1-347-673-3300 or http://www.shortconversation.info/
Taipei Cultural Center
1 East 42nd St. 1F+2F, New York, NY 10017