MFA Photography Alumni Sarah Sudoff (’06) will be in the exhibition “After You’re Done” at Pioneer Works.
After you’re done, comprising works by Sarah Sudhoff and Jo Broughton, is an exhibition curated by Macushla Robinson and Andrea Klabanova which peeks behind-the-scenes at the sets, props, and devices of the sex industry.
Sudhoff’s Wired series depicts an archive of arousal. Devoid of human bodies, these photographs of devices from the Kinsey Institute (Indiana University) sit at the intersection of research and play. Whilst some of these devices are used in scientific research into human sexuality and do not exist in the porn industry, many of them might also find a home in our most intimate spaces. Their meaning changes according to the context in which we find them: a dildo reads very differently when left behind on a porn set, than when photographed within a sexual research institute.
The Exhibition will run from September 22 to November 12, 2017. For more information visit here.