School of Art, Media, and Technology

Prix Ars Electronica Collide@CERN Artists Residency Prize

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We are very excited that Ars Electronica has teamed up with the world’s largest particle physics laboratory, CERN in Geneva to create a new award in the Prix Ars Electronica. We thought we would let you share in our excitement and see if you would like to join us too!

Prix Ars Electronica Collide@CERN is an open international competition for an artist working in the digital domain to win a 3 month funded two centre residency to blow your mind and take you into new dimensions.

The award is designed to bring you right close up and personal for two months with the multi-dimensional thinking of particle physicists at the home of the world’s biggest machine, the Large Hadron Collider, in Geneva. At CERN particle physicists from over 100 countries across the planet are investigating everything from the structure of the universe to the smallest elements known to mankind – as well as pushing gravity and light to their limits and unlocking the secrets of clouds – all thanks to cutting edge technology, engineering and thinking.

After two months resident at CERN, the same winning artist is then resident for a month at Ars Electronica in Linz with the transdisciplinary team Futurelab to develop and produce your ideas inspired by your CERN experience. This is all made possible thanks to a grant which funds the residencies, subsistence and travel, as well as 10,000 Euros in prize money on top. We also ought to add that you will have two dedicated mentors during your residencies – one from Futurelab mentor and a scientist from CERN too.

More information you can find here Or submit online here

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