School of Art, Media, and Technology

Parsons ranks among the Best Video Game Colleges

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27-BEST-VIDEO-GAME-COLLEGES-2015-GRAPHICParsons The New School for Design was recently included in “27 Best Video Game Colleges 2015” by

People outside the video game industry often perceive the business as purely focused on entertainment. Although that remains the driving economic force behind video game creation, Parsons The New School for Design shows students how to use their skill sets in creative ways for humanitarian ends. For instance, Parsons teamed up with the Red Cross through Pet Lab in order to build games that teach people in vulnerable areas about the importance of climate preparation. They also work side by side with Games for Change, a non-prophet dedicated towards education. Parsons is also especially sensitive to the recent move in games across multiple platforms such as the ipad, iphone, and Android. In addition to these altruistic projects, Parsons also instructs students in all the traditional areas expected by someone working in the field. Student training culminates in a 12 credit project requiring students to solve a problem with game design. selected Parsons based on several weighted factors, including academic excellence, course offerings, faculty strengths, cost, and reputation.

Check out the full list and article here:

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