School of Art, Media, and Technology

Parsons Faculty and Alumni Redesign Central Park’s Waste and Recycling Receptacles

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New York’s Central Park is rolling out a new waste and recycling initiative this summer, and a major part of the initiative are new custom designed waste and recycling receptacles. Designed through Landor Associates by Parsons faculty members Anthony Deen (MFADT) and Craig Dobie (AASGD) along with Landor Senior Designer Mike Boylan and Parsons alumni Lady Tanmantiong (AASGD 2011), the receptacles are made with 30 percent recycled aluminum, which is in turn infinitely recyclable. They are also fabricated here in the United States following sustainability guidelines.

Designing a modern receptacle that can exist in harmony with Central Park’s Olmstedian vernacular was no small task. Using the traditional park bench as a point of departure, the team designed the receptacles to meet the functional and operational needs of this highly trafficked, urban park and its 40+ million visitors per year.

Anthony Deen, Parsons Associate Professor and co-founder of Parsons’ MFADT program, is the  Creative Director for environments at Landor NY. In addition to leading the project, he also created the industrial design with Landor’s Mike Boylan, while designer Lady Tanmantiong and Parsons Part-time Lecturer and Landor Creative Director, Craig Dobie, developed the finish and messaging for the three receptacles.

At a launch event in Central Park, the high caliber of design was noted and praised by both the New York City Department of Parks & Recreation and the Public Design Commission. The hope is that these receptacles will be as ubiquitous as park benches and lamp posts in Central Park.

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