School of Art, Media, and Technology

Parsons Curatorial Design Research Lab (CDRL) is seeking two graduate student fellows

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Screen Shot 2014-09-29 at 11.57.36 AMThe Parsons Curatorial Design Research Lab (CDRL) is seeking a graduate student curatorial research fellow and a graduate student communication design fellow. These students will receive $2500 for the academic year, and will become considered full participants within CDRL. They will be charged with helping us produce our key 2014-15 projects: a revamped CDRL website, a booklet exploring various dimensions of CDRL projects/resources for students/faculty, and a spring semester Pecha Kucha event exploring the range of curatorial practices engaged by members of The New School.

Application deadline is Friday, October 3. Please see job descriptions below.

1) A Graduate Student Curatorial Research Fellow (with excellent writing/research skills); and

 Full job description here

2) A Graduate Student Communication Design Fellow (with excellent web and graphic design skills)

Full job description here

The application deadline is Friday, Oct. 3rd. Interested students should contact Lydia Matthews directly at

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