Let’s dance! This GIF Dance Party project was created for a Humor and Code class at Parsons by Alex Staudt (aka Fuzzy Wobble), with help from Sylvia Yang (both MFA DT ’13 alums), and has now gone viral. Check it out here and on Facebook! You can even contribute your own GIF to the party! Alex teaches an Instructables DIY on how to create a wiggle GIF animation over here.
Barely out of the MFA DT program, Alex Staudt was promptly hired by IDEO Boston, an award-winning global design firm. His GIFPow GIF Cam software, which allows the user to make a GIF of themselves (or whatever) using their own webcam, was used for the MFA DT thesis site.
The fast trajectory of thesis work to hire is nothing new, particularly for DT students, whose work tends to be quite amenable to tech press and viral sharing. Another recent MFA DT grad, Rachel Law, is also a good example of this. Her current employer, CHI & Partners, read about her in AdAge. We hope to share more of these stories throughout the year, and on into the future as the DT program continues to grow and expand its offerings.