School of Art, Media, and Technology

Online project concerning US & Iraqi concepts of freedom

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Please contribute to a new online art project called Shape of Change, investigating Iraqi and American concepts of political change, independence and freedom. The project will begin with an online form. The resulting answers will be publicly available in an open content data base, to be interpreted by artists and activists in creative projects as they see fit. As content accumulates and evolves in response to political events, visualizations of the data featured on the site will function as evolving representations of change.

The theme of change was ubiquitous throughout the presidential campaign, and now that we have a new president, the need to discuss what these terms actually mean is imperative. The piece will explore whether or not these concepts are universal, and how desire for them is manifested or displaced.

If you are interested in the project, you can read more information here, fill out the questionnaire here, and pass the request along to people in as many different locations with as many different view points as you can.

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