The eightieth meeting of the NY Comics & Picture-story Symposium will be held on Tuesday, April 1, 2014 at 7:00 PM at Parsons The New School, 2 West 13th Street, in the Bark Room (off the lobby). Free and open to the public. PLEASE NOTE: There is no meeting March 25th. It’s Spring Break.
Ernie Gehr will present and discuss a selection of his films emphasizing the “animation” of the moving image. In non-technical terms one could interpret that as meaning “what have you got between the eyes, and is it of any use”.
Ernie Gehr began to work with film in 1967, and with digital media in 1999. He has completed approx. 70 works, ranging in duration from 3 to 74 minutes. For his innovative work, Gehr has received various awards and fellowships, including The Maya Deren Award from The American Film Institute, The Stan Brakhage Vision Award from the Denver International Film Festival as well as a Guggenheim fellowship. Over the years Gehr has taught at various schools, including the San Francisco Art Institute, U.C. Berkeley, and most recently at Harvard. In October of last year a program of his recent works were shown at the New York Film Festival, and an essay on those pieces was published in the January 2014 print issue of Artforum.

still from Serene Velocity (1970) by Ernie Gehr