School of Art, Media, and Technology

New York Comics and Picture-story Symposium: April 19, Austin English

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April 19, 2016 – Gulag Casual with Austin English

7-9 PM

Room M 101 (Bark room), 66 Fifth Ave., lobby level

English will talk about the different stories collected in the book, Gulag Casual, which is an overview of 5 years worth of cartooning. Austin English is a cartoonist and painter living in New York. He has published many books, including Christina and Charles and The Disgusting Room. His most recent effort, Gulag Casual published by 2d Cloud, debuts in April 2016.

A weekly symposium for artist/writers working in various text-image forms: comics, picture-stories, animation, etc. at which to present and critique current work.  The symposium will examine new ideas for the distribution of print and electronic work that move beyond the existing models of  publishing and advertising. We will re-examine the relationship between readers and autographic writers. Emphasis will be placed on self-initiated work and the development of a self-sustaining economic model for such work.  Meetings will be facilitated by a rotating group of practitioners and guest speakers.  The symposium will offer an ongoing place to learn and think about the traditions and future of text-image work.

We meet at Parsons The New School in New York City at 7PM. Locations specified on the NYCPSS full schedule and website. All events are free and open to the public.

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