From A to B and Back Again, Again
The New York City Graphic Design Dialogs
Dialog #2: Speculation
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
7:00–9:00 p.m.
2 w 13 Street, 10th Floor Loft
Parsons / The New School
Please RSVP at if you can make it.
Are we experiencing a rise in speculative design projects that occur outside client relationships? What is the role of speculation in funding design projects in New York? Isn’t every design project speculative by nature? Why is engagement in speculative projects the only standing taboo within graphic design?
Event is in the 10th floor loft. Refreshments will be served in the lobby immediately following the discussion.
Mimi Chun
Design Director, General Assembly
Natasha Chandani
Author, “Thanks for the View, Mr Mies”
Gary Chou
General Manager,
Union Square Ventures Network
Faculty, SVA Interaction Design
Glen Cummings
Principal, MTWTF
Jack Henrie Fisher
Designer, Faculty at Parsons / New School
Former researcher, Jan Van Eyck Academie
John Kudos
Designer and Speculator, Studio Kudos
Moderated by
Juliette Cezzar
Director, BFA Communication Design
Director, BFA Design & Technology
Parsons / The New School