The Parsons Institute for Intellectual Property (PiiP) and The New School for Jazz and Contemporary Music announce an evening panel presentation of industry professionals discussing how music makes money now. Since the advent of digitized music, the methods of marketing, suing and delivering music have grown exponentially. As a result, may royalty revenue streams and creative ways of monetizing music have emerged. The ways in which music is now marketed, bundled, downloaded, streamed and otherwise used has resulted in many opportunities and challenges, and have kept legislation and business practices moving at an accelerated pace to keep up. Payments have changed considerably since the heyday of record royalties, making it more important than ever to understand how the new licensing, financing and payment models affect the income of music creators.
Hayley Rosenblum – Music Community Manager, Kickstarter, a funding platform for creative projects.
Chris Tuthill – Director of Touring and Artist Development at Talent Consultants International.
Barry Heyman, Esq. – An entertainment lawyer with more than 20 years of industry experience.
Bill Stafford Co-Founder, Missing Link Music, an independent music publisher.
Moderator: Michelle Bogre – Associate Professor and Founder of the Parsons Institute for Intellectual Property at Parsons The New School for Design.
The Parsons Institute for Intellectual Property presents: Music Business Now: How Music Makes Money
October 14th, 2014
6:00 to 9:00 PM
Parsons The New School for Design
Theresa Lang Center, Mezzanine Level
55 W. 13th Street, New York City