Off Pink: Parsons Fine Arts 2015 MFA Thesis Exhibition (The Kitchen- NYC)
Reviewed by Chloe Hyman
“Even though the show is a thesis exhibition, and therefore not necessarily a cohesively curated exhibit with a central theme, it still feels unified. Many of the artists focused on representing the flip side of progress; the perils of a sexist, celebrity-obsessed, western-centric world. The artwork shown in “Off Pink” reveals the darker layers of social norms and questions them, turning them inside out for viewers to see. And the viewers cringe, because what they are seeing has always been blatantly there, but they have never noticed.”
Read the full review here: http://canvasandcrumpets.com/2015/05/14/off-pink-parsons-fine-arts-2015-mfa-thesis-exhibition-the-kitchen-nyc/