MFA Fine Arts Alum Daniel Cerrejón to Feature in “Beyond Measure”

“The Ball of the Foot Circumference, and the Ball of the Foot Length, and the Breadth of the Foot, and the Length of the Foot, of the Average American Person”, rope, make-up, plastic, and steel, 2017
Beyond Measure
Tiger Strikes Asteroid Chicago
January 28—March 10, 2018
2-4 PM
319 N Albany, Chicago IL 60612
When systems of bodily regulation are materialized, can we see their fallibility?
MFA Fine Arts Alum Daniel Cerrejón will be opening a two-piece show alongside Carolyn Lazard. The exhibition will be held at Tiger Strikes Asteroid (TSA) and was curated by Charlotte Ickes and Jared Quinton, curatorial fellows of the Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago.
Daniel Cerrejón’s sculptural practice gives systems of bodily measurement a material and relational presence. In the CORPUS series, Cerrejón vacuum seals tangles of rope whose lengths are derived from the International Organization for Standardization’s average body metrics for the American population. The cold language of his titles brushes up against the fleshiness of the knots and the makeup (also derived from ‘average’ flesh tones) that coats them. If these measurements seem to evacuate corporeality, then Cerrejón’s sculptures usher it back in. In the other bodies of work exhibited, Cerrejón offers material approximations of proxemics, the field of study that seeks to define average distances between human bodies in different behavioral scenarios.
More information available via TSA. Read more about Cerrejón and his practice.