School of Art, Media, and Technology

Media Design Associate Prof. Anezka Sebek featured in Expanded Animation: The Anthology

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Prof. Anezka Sebek’s article, “Now You Touch It, Now You Don’t” is included in this anthology–available in October 2019. Here is the abstract:

This article is a summary of my twenty-fifteen talk that represents the beginning of an inquiry into the distinctions of the virtual reality medium I present a variety of interface experiments made by the graduate students of our MFA in Design and Technology program. In their experiments, they asked, how do we feel interface? How does it touch us emotionally? How do we engage with it physically? How do we experience the stories embedded in the new 360-degree worlds of virtual reality (VR)? What do all these contributing factors do to create meaning? Our experimentations furthered the questions raised by Myron Kreuger, the nineteen-ninety Ars Electronica Prizewinner for Interaction. In a nineteen-seventy-seven article Kreuger codified human-computer interaction design for virtual interactions in what he called responsive environments. He extended his principles to projected, life-sized interactions. The graduate students in our program pushed these ideas to create tangible, full-body engagement. Creating meaningful experiences was the focus both visually and physically.

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