School of Art, Media, and Technology

Media ART Banquet 02: Public and the City

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When: Nov 10, Thursday 6:30~8:30p.m.
Where: Parsons the New School for Design
80 5th Ave (Between 13th and 14th Street) Room 802 **The building and room have been changed from the 1st Media ART Banquet.

At the beginning of the winter, you are invited to the 2nd Media ART Banquet. Nam June Paik’sdrew together the East was connected to the West by passing an apple from New York to Tokyo. The Media ART Banquet opens up a new kitchen for the 21st century artists with no limit and no boundaries. We expect to see the tasteful merge of life and art, technology and art, the young and the old, the East and the West, and the real and the imaginary.

After the 1st Media ART Banquet with two leading media art professionals from UK, the 2nd Media ART Banquet brings two leading media professionals in US from the West Coast to the East Coast together. Joel Slayton, Executive Director of ZERO1 from San Jose and Neil Sieling, the Chief Curator and Co-Founder of the Big Screen Plaza in New York will share their insightful thoughts and practices by questioning Public and the city in the field of media arts.

Appetizer – By Dooeun CHOI (Creative Director of Art Center Nabi in Seoul/ Visiting Scholar at
Parsons the New School for Design in New York)
Main – By Neil Sieling (the Chief Curator & a Co-Founder of the Big Screen Plaza in New York)
As people try to navigate the delirium of digital media, having a trusted guide becomes more and more important each year. In addition, trying to create and sustain genuinely public space in any kind of media delivery or geographically specific location has also become more difficult each year. But have no fear, as Neil Sieling remains a public media optimist after his many adventures in public media from a variety of flavors and contexts, and will speak to applying hard-won lessons learned to his new Big Screen Plaza experiment.
By Joel Slayton (Executive Director of ZERO1 in San Jose, California) Joel Slayton will discuss the evolution of the ZERO1 Biennial and a new initiative called ZERO1 Garage. Part incubator, part research lab, part think tank, the ZER01 Garage informs strategies for research, development and creativity. Joel will also share his personal insight and backstory as artist, researcher, and academician since 1970s.
Dessert – Q&A

**Please RSVP by Nov 9th, Wednesday to 

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