School of Art, Media, and Technology

Make a date w/ destiny tomorrow: Build an awesome career in software development!

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Spend an hour of the “day of love” learning how to build a career you’ll love, from HackNY’s Peter Bell.

Thursday, February 14th, 3:00pm-4:00pm

6 East 16th St, 10th fl, Room D1009

What’s this all about?

There is a two-tier workforce for software developers. The top developers are always able to pick between interesting offers to work with cool technologies at the hottest companies, whereas many others are happy just to get a gig. Learn the techniques for getting and then picking between interesting job offers to build a compelling career.

Who will benefit from this presentation?

You are among the new crop of artists and designers who can code, craft with web standards, build software, do physical computing, solder, 3D print and develop mobile and web applications, games and experimental work. Where the traditional CS and engineering schools aren’t emphasizing software and product design, you are immersed in the new art and design school approach to pursuing practice-based research in an experimental context to build software and applications. You want the jobs at the hot companies working on the cool technologies!

Who is Peter Bell? 

Peter works for hackNY, a not-for-profit that aims to federate the next generation of hackers for the New York Innovation community. He runs CTO school, a meetup for startup CTOs (and developers who’d like to move into a position of technical leadership). He also runs the node.js meetup and co-organizes the Domain Driven Design and Groovy/Grails meet ups in NYC. He presents regularly on everything from javascript, coffee script, backbone, neo4j and MongoDB to lean/agile software development and lean startup methodologies at a range of conferences including Strange Loop, QCon, RubyNation, ooPSLA and the NFJS tour. He’s been published in IEEE Software, Dr. Dobbs, IBM developerWorks, Information Week, Methods & Tools, Mashed Code, NFJS the Magazine and GroovyMag. He’s currently writing a book on managing software development for Pearson.

How can you find out more about HackNY, and the Student Hackathon? (Save the date! April 6th-7th)

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