School of Art, Media, and Technology

Lucasfilm announces the Lucasfilm Student Art Competition!

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In our quest to find the best and brightest up-and-coming artists throughout the galaxy, Lucasfilm and Lucasfilm Animation would like to invite Parsons students to participate in our competition this year. Contestants have the chance to win once-in-a-lifetime trips to visit Lucasfilm artists at the famous Big Rock Ranch in Marin and/or $1,000 cash!

Entrants will be asked to submit original, two-dimensional artistic interpretations inspired by the following:

Theme: Adventure / Man vs. Nature

Place: Deep in an unexplored jungle / cave

The Explorers discover something frozen in ice / amber. The dim lights reveal shapes of not one, but multiple beings. The explorers’ excitement is interrupted by a screech of some animal hidden the foliage / darkness. Note: The artwork should not be constrained to a particular period in time. Real world reference is preferred but students are allowed to push the fantastic.

The students must also include a 300-word explanation of the creative choices which led to the finished piece. Suggested styles include photography, computer-generated artwork, scratch-board, pointillism, chalk, charcoal, dry brush, watercolor, crosshatch, lead, collage, linoleum printing and crayon… but creativity is encouraged. Any type of 2D art will be accepted, so long at it meets the size requirements. A panel of Parsons faculty and staff will select the top five student entries and submit those to Lucasfilm for consideration.

Deadline for submission: Thursday, May 4th. Submit your work to Parsons Career Services at 2 West 13 Street, room 511, no later than Wednesday, May 4th. For full details on competition guidelines, a contest application form, and copyright assignment form, see attached documents linked to below:

Good luck!

Artist Statement
Official Guidelines
Copyright Assignment

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