Love It or Hate It: Public Art and Controversy
Museum of the City of New York
Thursday, November 30, 2017
6:30—8:30 PM
1220 5th Ave & 103rd Street
New York NY 10029

On buildings and sidewalks, in parks and on subways, public art is subject to far more intense popular scrutiny than art in galleries or museums. Join leading scholars and artists to examine how art in public spaces can serve as a flash point for larger social debates, featuring:
Audrey Flack, a nationally recognized painter and sculptor
Ohad Meromi, an internationally exhibited sculptor
Harriet Senie, Director of Art Museum Studies, City College of New York
Kendal Henry, Director of the NYC Department of Cultural Affairs’ Percent for Art Program
Michele Bogart (moderator), Professor, Stony Brook University
Register online at | Use the code PUBART for discounted tickets!