School of Art, Media, and Technology

Lecture: Maha Rafi Atal — Wall Street and the Public Interest

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This week in Globe we have Maha Rafi Atal, a business journalist who recognized that business journalism had failed its role in reporting the conditions that led to the financial crisis and is exploring new forms of reporting and corporate accountability . She will be discussing how finance works, why it is tard to bring to account, and what other strategies might occupy Wall Street’s attention as well as its parks.

Maha Rafi Atal is the co-founder and Executive Director of Public Business, a nonprofit supporting public interest business journalism. A writer with experience covering business, economics and foreign policy, her work has appeared in Forbes, Fortune, Newsweek, BusinessWeek, the Christian Science Monitor, the New Statesman, the Providence Journal and the Columbia Journalism Review. She holds a B.A. (Hons.) in History and Comparative Literature from Brown University, and an M.A. in Business and Economics Journalism from Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism.

Tuesday October 11, 6pm,
6 East 16th Street, room 1208

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