School of Art, Media, and Technology

Kalil Student Assistant position

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The Board of the The Michael Kalil Endowment for Smart Design and the School of Constructed Environments are pleased to announce the creation of the Kalil Student Assistant position, funded as a $5000.00 annual stipend for combined Fall and Spring semesters.

The mission of the Endowment is twofold: to foster the understanding of the design intersections between nature and technology and to support a heightened sense of responsibility for increasing the sustainability of built environments.

The student will work in the SCE office with the director of public programs, and will interface with the Kalil committee, the Parsons Kellen archivist, and a representative from the Kalil Board in helping to administer the applications process for granting the 3 annual Kalil Memorial Fellowship Grants, and cataloging proposals, present and past, on an ongoing basis.

The student will also be instrumental in communicating the work of Michael Kalil -newly housed and undergoing cataloging in the Parsons Kellen Archive- to a new generation of designers, maintaining its presence and relevance in light of current developments in design culture.

The position requires that the student be organized, know the Microsoft Word and Excel programs, have basic graphic and internet posting/website skills, and have excellent communication skills.

The work will require about 5-15 hours per week varying with the stage of the granting process. And a schedule will be worked out around the student’s academic schedule.

Taking applications now!!
Please send a letter of interest, including relevant experience, to SCE Senior Office Assistant, Howard Leung at

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