School of Art, Media, and Technology

Invitation to apply for Faculty/Staff Printmaking Residency

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Faculty and Staff Printmaking Summer Artist in Residency Program at Parsons

In June and July, the Parsons printshop offers one residency opportunity for New School faculty and staff who have previously taken at least one printmaking course at Parsons in the medium they’d like to pursue during the residency. The goal of the program is to facilitate intensive faculty and staff use of the shop to build on the knowledge and work gained in previous courses.

The residency offers access to the shop during open hours in June and July (these hours shift from year to year, but are set by late Spring) when classes are not in session. Additionally, residents are asked to mount a small show of work produced during the residency in the showcases outside the Printshop in the first three weeks of Fall semester following their residency.

To apply for the residency, please send a brief proposal, including a statement about the work you hope to pursue, up to 5 images of related work, the printmaking media
you plan to use (this helps us determine shop access), and the course(s) you’ve taken at Parsons in printmaking, to Shana Agid, Director of Printmaking at

If you have specific time restrictions or needs, please also let us know that.

The application is due March 30, 2012. We will announce the resident by April 20th.

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