School of Art, Media, and Technology

Illustration Student of the Week: Vincy Cheung

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This week’s student of the week is Vincy Cheung.
Vincy specializes in pattern, illustration, and motion work featuring quirky and bold imagery.

Scroll down to view a sample of her work and artist statement:

Vincy CheungPattern, personal

Vincy Cheung,Pattern,personal

Vincy CheungChance  to Get, Illustraion Design Studio, Noel Claro

Vincy Cheung,Chance  to Get, Illustraion Design Studio, Noel Claro

Vincy CheungClinical Trial, Motion, Collin McLain

Vincy Cheung,Clinical Trial, Motion,Collin McLain

Artist Statement:

Vincy Cheung most often works with ink and markers which she later manipulates digitally. She enjoys the use of bold color in her illustrations paired with simple line work. She likes referencing existing objects from life and keeps the meaning behind her work open-ended. Vincy Cheung likes her illustrations to be fun, and have a particular sense of “weirdness” to it.

To view more of Vincy’s work, please be sure to visit her website:

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