School of Art, Media, and Technology

Illustration Inspiration!

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No, this doesn’t really have to do with the Parsons Illustration Program, per say; only that this woman, Carolita Johnson, sent us a message on our Facebook page about her illustration in the NYT Sunday Book Review. She’s actually a Parsons School of Fashion alum, now working as a cartoonist at The New Yorker. 

Carolita Johnson for

Carolita Johnson for

Her charming message was thus:

“I’m a Parsons alum, doing illustration and cartooning even though I graduated from the Fashion Department (I never pursued Fashion, though my “day job” is fit modeling with technical designers). Anyway, I just had an illustration in the New York Sunday Times Book Review, and I’m just so proud of it, and having no Parson’s art department to claim me, I thought I’d tell you about it. Here it is! (If Foundation Year could claim me, I’d love it. Best year of my life!)”

In the Parsons spirit of cross-program and cross-school exchange, I was happy to just give her illustration a shout out, but then I started to get curious about her work, and found this illustrated article: How To Become A Cartoonist in About 20 Jobs. If you want to read a real “New York” story, this is it. Live and learn readers!

Carolita Johnson for

Carolita Johnson for


Carolita Johnson for

Carolita Johnson for


Carolita Johnson for The New Yorker

Carolita Johnson for The New Yorker

[Reposted from Words and Pictures: The Parsons Illustration Program blog]

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