What started as a lecture turned into a serious of visiting artists called the Comics and Picture Story Symposium. This free symposium happens every Tuesday for artists and writers working in various text-image forms such as comics, picture stories and animation. The symposium examines new ideas for the distribution of print and electronic work that move beyond the existing models of publishing and advertising. They also re-examine the relationship between readers and autographic writers. Each meeting is facilitated by a rotating group of partitioners and guest speakers.

Some previous guest speakers include:
Anya Ulinich
Olivier Schrauwen
Thierry Smolderen
Gary Panter
Tom Motleyh

Bio: Ben Katchor an Illustration faculty member, and American cartoonist. He has contributed comics and drawings to publications such as The New Yorker and Metropolis magazine. Ben is best known for his comic strip Julius Knipl, Real Estate Photographer.
Photo Credits: First Image from Olivier Sschrauwen’s book My Boy, second image from Sketchbook idea by Neil Dvorak, and the last image by Ben Katchor.