School of Art, Media, and Technology

Gender Studies “Labors of Love” Exhibition: Call for Student Artwork

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Gender Studies is pleased to announce a call for artwork for our second annual Gender Studies Art Exhibition, “Labors of Love.”  The show will be on view during the month of March 2016 on the 3rd floor skybridge space at The New School.  The exhibition will feature gender-related work in the theme of “Labors of Love” by New School students.  Artworks in a variety of media, such as painting, work-on-paper, installation, and photography, are welcome.  Maximum size for work: 60” high and 60” wide.  Works must be able to be attached to the wall.  Please note: artwork should be gender-related and should correspond to the theme of “Labors of Love.”
If you are interested in taking part in the exhibition, please send JPEGS of artworks, as well as a short bio and artist statement, to Terri Gordon at  Work should be submitted by Monday, February 8th, 2016.  Submissions will be vetted by the Gender Studies Art Exhibition committee comprised of Hazel Clark, Professor of Design Studies and Fashion Studies at Parsons School of Design; Terri Gordon, Director of the Gender Studies Program; and Tracyann Williams, Director of Academic Advising at the Schools of Public Engagement.  If works cannot be submitted electronically, please contact Professor Gordon directly.
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