School of Art, Media, and Technology

Game Club Elections

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WHAT: New School Game Club–Elections

WHEN: Friday, December 6, at 7:30PM

WHERE: 6 E 16th St., 12th floor, room 1201

WHY: Welp, it’s that time again. Most of Game Club’s current leadership will be graduating either this semester or next semester. Either way, we’re not going to have much time after Winter Break to run Game Club. So, it’s time to hand off leadership to new blood! That could and should be you (if you are a current New School student)!

We are holding elections for the following positions:

  • President
  • Chief Communications Officer
  • Chief Technology Officer
  • Treasurer

Our current VP will likely stay on for another semester so there will be some continuity, and a few other board members will also be continuing in various capacities.

Even if you’re not interested in running for a specific office, running Game Club involves many tasks, with which we could always use more help. Perhaps you’d be interested in helping with any of the following things:

*Writing the newsletter

*Maintaining the website

*Handling media (photos and videos of the events)

*Managing social media (Facebook, Twitter, Vimeo, etc.)

*Event planning and advertising


*Liaison to the administration (booking rooms, etc.)

*Making and distributing posters (we have a poster team already but if you’re passionate there might be something you could help with)

*Promoting the club and spreading awareness (this is critical; many people outside of DT don’t even know Game Club exists)

*Anything else you can think of!

While we only have a handful of elected officers, Game Club leadership comprises as many people as want to help run the club. We have a lot of ambitious goals, some of which we’ve been able to make progress on in the last year, others of which not so much. The more passionate people there are helping to run Game Club, the bigger and better it can become. So, please get involved in whatever capacity feels comfortable to you!

Please contact us for more information regarding elections, the positions, Game Club in general, or our favorite pizza toppings:



Facebook: New School Game Club

Twitter: @NewSchoolGames

Best regards,

J. Matthew Griffis (“Matt”) – President

New School Game Club

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