LeRoy Neiman Gallery at Columbia University
January 20th-February 14th

LOVE 2020: Perfect Vision was the third biennial LOVE exhibition at Columbia University’s LeRoy Neiman Gallery. This series of exhibitions took the form of a lively conversation between artists across generations, mediums, backgrounds, and contexts—all responding to the question: what does LOVE look like to you right now? Artist-curator Rachel Stern manifested an immersive installation of artworks that encompasses visitors with the exquisite and overwhelming sensations of love. For 2020, Perfect Vision asked participating artists to give special consideration to the ways in which both biological and psychic vision contributes to the construction of LOVE, interacting with positions of power. LOVE 2020: Perfect Vision sought to define the utterly indefinable, to name and image that which by its very nature was without form or fixed identity. 2020 feels both like an impossible future arrived too soon and a cold dead weight refusing to budge or give in to our hopes for what comes next. It is tempting to look away, but LOVE 2020: Perfect Vision said to the future, as Carly Rae Jepsen implores, “It’s hard to look right at ya baby. But here’s my number, so call me maybe?”
For more information go to this website