September 15–October 20, 2019
Opening Reception: September 15, 6–8 pm
172 Attorney St, New York, NY 10002

There are celebrated sites such as Yosemite, the Grand Canyon, Niagara Falls—landscapes depicted countless times in photographs, painting, and film, forming a part of the myth of this country’s nature and character. And there are other landscapes, mostly hidden from our view. Sing Sing is a maximum security prison up the Hudson River from New York City, its name derived from the Sintsink people from whom the land was taken in 1685 in exchange for money. Guantanamo Bay, now used for indefinite detention of accused terrorists and enemy combatants, was used in the early 1990s to detain Haitian immigrants and also as a quarantine site for HIV+ Haitians. Heart Mountain in Wyoming was a WWII Japanese-American concentration camp from 1942 to 1945 and is now a National Historic Landmark. Tornillo, a town in Texas at the border (the word means “screw” in Spanish), housed a temporary tent city, built in 24 hours, where thousands of immigrant children separated from their parents were detained last year. These are some of the distinctly American sites that form the core of Yamaoka’s photographic cycle Archipelagoes (2019).
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