Fine Arts Alum Joiri Minaya Featured in Multiple Group Shows

Containers, performed at Wave Hill on October 21, 2017. Performer: Ivonne Tejeda. Photo: Emil Rivera.
MFA Alum Joiri Minaya is featured in multiple current and upcoming shows; if you are in the given area while they’re up, definitely check them out! More information, including times and locations, about each of the shows is available below.
The Matter of Photography in the Americas
Cantor Arts Center at Stanford University
February 7 – April 30, 2018
328 Lomita Drive, Stanford CA 94305
I’m thrilled #dominicanwomengooglesearch is part of this conversation! and this is my third group show in California in only a few months, which is also very exciting.
I will also be part of a panel here on April 12th, 2018. Here’s info on that.
Featuring artists from twelve different countries, this exhibition presents a wide range of creative responses to photography as an artistic medium and a communicative tool uniquely suited to modern media landscapes and globalized economies. The artists in this exhibition resist the impulse to “document” or “photograph anew” the world immediately around them. Instead, they employ a wide range of materials — from prints and drawings to photocopies and audio installations — to highlight the ways in which photography shapes our understanding of history as well as current events. Curated by Jodi Roberts and Natalia Brizuela. More info on the exhibition here.
Historical Amnesia
February 10 – March 24, 2018
305 E 140th Street #1, Bronx NY 10454
I’m excited to show at BronxArtSpace, where I did a residency last year. For Historical Amnesia I’m showing photos, text and sound that document the second multiple-performers iteration of my performance Containers last October at Wave Hill.
Historical Amnesia exposes and grapples with the lasting effects of colonialism, exoticism, and intolerance on today’s culture. Curated by Gabriel de Guzman, the show features artists Kris Grey, Sara Jimenez, jc lenochan, Joiri Minaya, and Jade Yumang, who sift through forms of loss, obscurity, and trauma by using the body as a conduit. These artists recover suppressed narratives, giving body to the hushed voices of those who have been relegated to the status of Other. Full curatorial statement and more info here.
Internalized Borders
President’s Gallery at John Jay College
February 14 – April 13, 2018
Haaren Hall, 6th Floor Gallery
899 10th Avenue, New York NY 10019
Siboney is being shown in this exhibition, and it’s rewarding to see this work in an expansive and intersectional conversation through the parallels that are drawn in this curatorial frame.
Internalized Borders addresses immigration, identity, detention, and deportation. Taking the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center as a pivotal moment for the escalation of attacks on immigrants, this exhibition examines the various ways that language and legal systems create internal and external borders based on fear, the criminalization of identity, the economics of migration, and the construction of otherness.
Internalized Borders features works by Felipe Baeza, Ricardo Gomez, Dina Burtszyn, Ryan Bonilla, Maria de Los Angeles, Alva Mooses, Mauricio Cortes Ortega, Constanza Alarcón Tennen, Francisco Donoso, Shahrzad Changalvaee, Edel Rodriguez, Tatania Garmendia, Deborah Faye Lawrence, Joiri Minaya, Jodie Lyn-kee-Chow, Patricia Cazorla, and Nancy Saleme.
Curated by Maria de Los Angeles and Susan Noyes Platt. Full curatorial statement and more info here.
URe:AD TV (United Re:Public of the African Diaspora Television)
56th Ann Arbor Film Festival, Michigan Theater Screening Room
March 24, 2018 at 2:45 PM
603 E Liberty Street, Ann Arbor MI 48104
My work is being screened at this film festival for the second time, following a program last year curated by Ingrid Lafleur. We’ll be screening Labadee, and I don’t always get to be at my screenings in person, but I’ll actually be around for this one if you want to come say hi!
URe:AD TV is a transmedia “network” produced through a global open call for media, comprised of fresh, contemporary audiovisual work by and for the African Diaspora. Challenging the narrow, stereotypical, and banal aspects of both popular media and art institutional framing of Black representation, URe:AD TV grows and changes with new submissions as new videos are produced in collaboration with artists in the cities on the tour. This iteration shares the work of emerging artists from Brazil, the Netherlands, Switzerland, the United States, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Dominican Republic, and Ethiopia. Curated by Shani Peters and Sharita Towne. More info here.
Artist Residency Final Show
Red Bull House of Art
April 6th, 2018, 6 – 9 pm
1551 Winder Street, Detroit MI 48207
I’ve been in Detroit for a couple weeks doing an artist residency at Red Bull House of Art with artists Gina Goico and Lucía Hierro. We’ve been getting to know the city, its history and its arts communities while making our work. I’ve been working on ideas inspired by Invitation to Transgress (a recent installation at the Bahamas), concentration music, leisure in relation to intellectual labor, and subjectivity vs. projection and consumption. I’ll send another reminder with links and more info on this closer to the day of the final show, but you can start saving the date!
Summer Studio Residency Mentor
New York University, Steinhardt Department of Art and Art Professions
June 3 – July 18, 2018
34 Stuyvesant Street, New York NY 10003
This is a little further in the year, but I’m super excited and looking forward to be a mentor in this program this coming summer! Located on NYU’s downtown campus in the Steinhardt Department of Art and Art Professions, the Summer Studio Residency is a non-residential, 8-week program providing prime space and personalized mentorship to 24 emerging artists interested in focusing on a creative practice.
Here is the application, if you know of any recent art graduates that’d be interested in doing this. The deadline for applications is April 15, 2018.