School of Art, Media, and Technology

FALL 2016 PLAYTECH is open for submissions!

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Do You Have an Interactive Project? Come Playtest With Us!!
PLAYTECH is a show-and-tell/demo/playtest event happens on our very own D12!!

PLAYTECH IS BACK!!! 2016 FALL AMT Design & Technology 2016 FALL AMT Design & Technology PLAYTECH SATURDAY INFO: date: November 12th, 2016 (Saturday) time: 1:00-3:00pm: presentation/demo/playtesting Venue: D12 lab – main hub + satellite classrooms (6 East 16th Street D building)

*pizza and drink served at 1pm AMT DT is hosting PLAYTECH SATURDAY with Parsons SPACE again! This is an open event for students, faculty and the public to converge, especially prospective students, youth in the Parsons Pre-College Academy, and youth from other organizations around New York City (ages 10-18 years old). Positioned as a work in progress, students and faculty are encouraged to show their previous work, work from other classes, core or major studio/lab work from this year or any year. This is a great opportunity to get great feedback on your interactive projects and to take make-believe photos of non-DT people testing/loving your project. Last year’s event featured a variety of projects ranging from table-top boardgame to kinect games to workshops to performance art to virtual reality!! and we had 200+ people visited us over the course of the event!

*email for any questions DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSIONS: November 7th, 2016 (Monday) (confirmation email will be sent then)

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