School of Art, Media, and Technology

Faculty Neil Goldberg Participating in “My Brother is a Liar” Group Show

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Curated by Sara Shaoul
October 28, 2015 – January 23, 2016
Hours: Thurs-Sat, 1-6pm
Opening reception: Wednesday, October 28, 6-8pm

601 West 26th St., #1755
New York, NY 10001


This group exhibition “brings together works in which familial relations are visible and performative, where human bonds function not only as subject matter, but also as structural devices that allow for engagement with broader ideas. Using resemblance, gesture, action, inference and proximity as material and device, the works in this show depict a variety of relational bonds: real, constructed and imagined..

Other artists include Janine Antoni, Richard Artschwager, Patty Chang, Mary Kelly , Cindy Sherman & Richard Prince, Jamie Diamond, Anthony Goicolea, Las Hermanas Iglesias, Bryan Zanisnik.


From the official website:

Family is the first power structure we encounter, the first justice system, the first bureaucracy, and the first set of blueprints for all other relationships. Family is an ongoing performance, where roles are assigned and permanent, with a constant expectation of an audience, both private and public. The visual representation of relational bonds speaks to us in a particular language, instantly recognizable, universal in its accessibility, and distinct to each viewer in its affect. My Brother is a Liar brings together works in which familial relations are visible and performative, where human bonds function not only as subject matter, but also as structural devices that allow for engagement with broader ideas.
– Sara Shaoul

Read more of the statement.

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